Looking for help?

call me, beep me

If at any point you feel lost during the game, you can find hints to each puzzle right here if you're so inclined. You need only highlight the text to view the hint.
Beware spoilers, however!

A ton of ciphers used in this game can be solved using these Cipher Tools, sometimes it's easy to find it all in one place!
Google is also your friend, sometimes you may need to look up a cipher to better understand it. It's all up to your discretion! Also, as a general rule of thumb, once you reach a page with a Home button at the bottom, you are on the final puzzle or page for that particular newsletter (if the newsletter takes you to a page at all). Sometimes a newsletter could just hold information for a future puzzle or not take you to a web page; you can double check your solutions or progress on each newsletter by looking at these hints, if you wish.

Welcome Email